January 26, 2009

Citi gets $45 BILLION bailout; buys $50 Million jet! It seems to me the Board of Directors deserves a vigilante ass-kicking!

New York, NY -- Remember the outrage when insurance giant AIG begged-for and got billions in a taxpayer bailout, then turned around and partied at a posh California resort? The country was outraged.

Other corporate parties were canceled and corporate America learned that when you need public funds to stay afloat, you don't go on a spending spree. Sadly, that lesson was not learned at Citigroup.

After needing and getting $45 Billion in taxpayer funded bailouts, Citigroup went ahead and bought a $50 million corporate jet. They already own two others.

It is time for the Board of Directors at Citigroup to be "dealt with" in the only manner they truly understand - street justice.

I advocate doing violence to the physical persons on the Board of Directors of Citigroup. I advocate hurting them. I advocate finding out where they live and grabbing them as they travel to or from their home and beating the living shit out of them.

Maybe when they get a taste of real street justice, they'll understand that bilking WE THE PEOPLE is not a smart thing to do.

Board of Directors - Members

C. Michael Armstrong
Chairman - Board of Trustees, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Health System Corporation and Hospital

Alain J.P. Belda
Chairman, Alcoa Inc.

Sir Win Bischoff

Kenneth T. Derr
Chairman, Retired, Chevron Corporation

John M. Deutch
Institute Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Roberto Hernández Ramírez
Chairman, Banco Nacional de Mexico

Andrew N. Liveris
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Dow Chemical Company

Anne Mulcahy
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Xerox Corporation

Vikram Pandit
Chief Executive Officer

Richard D. Parsons
Former Chairman of the Board, Time Warner Inc.

Lawrence R. Ricciardi
Senior Vice President, General Counsel, and Advisor to the Chairman, Retired, IBM Corporation

Judith Rodin
President, Rockefeller Foundation

Robert E. Rubin
Director and Former Senior Counselor

Robert L. Ryan
Chief Financial Officer, Retired, Medtronic Inc.

Franklin A. Thomas
Consultant, TFF Study Group

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