December 6, 2008

Financial Tsunami cannot be stopped; Great Depression 2 coming fast

December 2, 2008, was a landmark in the saga of the collapsing international monetary system, yet it did not get any mention in the press: gold went to backwardation for the first time ever in history. The facts are as follows: on December 2nd, at the Comex in New York, December gold futures (last delivery: December 31) were quoted at 1.98% discount to spot, while February gold futures (last delivery: February 27, 2009) were quoted at 0.14% discount to spot. (All percentages annualized.) The condition got worse on December 3rd, when the corresponding figures were 2% and 0.29%. This means that the gold basis has turned negative, and the condition of backwardation persisted for at least 48 hours.

According to the December 3rd Comex delivery report, there are 11,759 notices to take delivery. This represents 1.1759 million ounces of gold, while the Comex-approved warehouses hold 2.9 million ounces. Thus 40% of the total amount will have to be delivered by December 31st. Since not all the gold in the warehouses is available for delivery, Comex supply of gold falls far short of the demand at present rates. Futures markets in gold are breaking down. Paper gold is progressively being discredited.

Already there was a slight backwardation in gold at the expiry of a previous active contract month, but it never spilled over to the next active contract month, as it does now: backwardation in the December contract is spilling over to the February contract which at last reading was 0.36%. Silver is also in backwardation, with the discount on silver futures being about twice that on gold futures.

The gold basis is a pristine, incorruptible measure of trust, or the lack of it when it turns negative, in paper money. Of course, it is too early to say whether gold has gone to permanent backwardation, or whether the condition will rectify itself (it probably will). Be that as it may, it does not matter. The fact that it has happened is the coup de grâce for the regime of irredeemable currency. It will bleed to death, maybe rather slowly, even if no other hits, blows, or shocks are dealt to the system. Very few people realize what is going on and, of course, official sources and the news media won’t be helpful to them to explain the significance of all this. I am trying to be helpful to the discriminating reader.

Gold going to permanent backwardation means that gold is no longer for sale at any price, whether it is quoted in dollars, yens, euros, or Swiss francs. The situation is exactly the same as it has been for years: gold is not for sale at any price quoted in Zimbabwe currency, however high the quote is. To put it differently, all offers to sell gold are being withdrawn, whether it concerns newly mined gold, scrap gold, bullion gold or coined gold. I dubbed this event that has cast its long shadow forward for many a year, the last contango in Washington ― contango being the name for the condition opposite to backwardation (namely, that of a positive basis), and Washington being the city where the Paper-mill of the Potomac, the Federal Reserve Board, is located. This is a tongue-in-cheek way of saying that the jig in Washington is up. The music has stopped on the players of ‘musical chairs’. Those who have no gold in hand are out of luck. They won’t get it now through the regular channels. If they want it, they will have to go to the black market.

Gold and silver basis serves as an early warning system and it is signaling the beginning of the end. The end is approaching with the inevitability of the climax in a Greek tragedy, as the heroes and heroines are drawn to their own destruction. The present reactionary experiment with paper money is entering its death-throes.

The situation with gold backwardation is, for the money system, like the confrontation of the Titanic (representing the international monetary system) with the iceberg (representing gold and its vanishing basis) as the latter is emerging from the fog too late to avoid collision. The vanishing gold basis and its corollary, the seizing up of the paper money system threatens the world with a Great Depression eclipsing that of the 1930’s.

Once entrenched, backwardation in gold means that the cancer of the dollar has reached its terminal stages. The progressively evaporating trust in the value of the irredeemable dollar can no longer be stopped.

Negative basis (backwardation) means that people controlling the supply of monetary gold cannot be persuaded to part with it, regardless of the bait. These people are no speculators. They are neither Scrooges nor Shylocks. They are highly capable businessmen with a conservative frame of mind. They are determined to preserve their capital come hell or high water, for saner times, so they can re-deploy it under a saner government and a saner monetary system. Their instrument is the ownership of monetary gold. They blithely ignore the siren song promising risk-free profits. Indeed, they could sell their physical gold in the spot market and buy it back at a discount in the futures market for delivery in 30 days. In any other commodity, traders controlling supply would jump at the opportunity. The lure of risk-free profits would be irresistible. Not so in the case of gold. Owners refuse to be coaxed out of their gold holdings, however large the bait may be. Why?

Well, they don’t believe that the physical gold will be there and available for delivery in 30 days’ time. They don’t want to be stuck with paper gold, which is useless for their purposes of capital preservation.

December 2 is a landmark, because before that date the monetary system could have been saved by opening the U.S. Mint to gold. Now, given the fact of gold backwardation, it is too late. The last chance to avoid disaster has been missed. The proverbial last straw has broken the back of the camel.

Few people realize that the shutting down of the gold trade, which is what is happening, means the shutting down of world trade. This is a financial earthquake measuring ten on the Greenspan scale, with epicenter at the Comex in New York, where the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center once stood. It is no exaggeration to say that this event will trigger a tsunami wiping out the prosperity of the world.

Regional Director of Homeland Security Arrested for harboring illegal alien

Lorraine Henderson, the Boston regional director of Homeland Security, Customs, and Border Protection, was arrested Friday at her home in Salem, MA. She was charged with harboring an illegal alien and ordered released on $25,000 unsecured bond during an initial appearance in federal court. She was expected to appear in federal court in Boston later Friday on a charge of harboring an illegal alien.

If convicted, Henderson faces up to 10 years in prison. She declined to comment after her court appearance.

Full Details Here

Supreme Court Swamped by Letters

Washington, DC -- The United States Supreme Court was deluged yesterday with a delivery of 6,682 FedEx packages, each containing nine (9) letters - one for each Justice.

The 60,182 letters were part of an effort to make certain the court reviews the questions surrounding the citizenship of Barack Obama.

Supreme Court Justices do not accept phone calls, faxes or e-mails from the public. They only accept written correspondence. So, web site World Net Daily decided to host an effort to send letters to the court via Fed Ex and their web site visitors came through!

The Supreme Court was so deluged it actually delayed the court from operating yesterday!

As of 6:45 AM this morning, Saturday, December 6, there is still no Order one way or the other regarding the Donofrio Case that was to be discussed by the Justices yesterday.

December 5, 2008

Unique Opportunity: 30 Newspapers up for sale

Declining advertising revenues have caused major financial losses at many newspapers throughout the country, with 30 of those newspapers having now been put up for sale.

This is a massive opportunity for those of us on the conservative right to amass our own media empire to battle the liberal (jew) left.

Imagine for just a second, that a couple conservatives scoop-up all 30 newspapers that are for sale. Then, after a few months, all 30 newspapers run with a banner headline, above the fold that reads:

Official International Red Cross records prove
only 271,000 Jews died; most from diseases!

Can you imagine having the ability to authoritatively get this information out to the masses? Can you imagine the backlash to all the other political correctness that could be fomented by getting control of these 30 newspapers?

How about these for headlines:

Average life span of gay men now less than 30;
worse than that of inner city children killed by guns



The possibilities are endless for headline after headline, day after day in city after city.

If we could grab-up thirty REAL newspapers; grab-up control of a well-respected, entrenched and widely read media outlet in each of thirty cities, we could change the thinking of millions of regular, average Americans.

This is a golden opportunity to take on the jew media with its own weapons and reek havoc upon political correctness.

I say we start talking this up. We need to grab control of the media and now, with them openly talking about actually shutting down newspapers in several cities, we can grab control at bargain basement prices.

Let's do it.

Details about failing newspaper Here

December 4, 2008


Ottawa, ON -- In a move unprecedented in Canadian history, the Prime Minister has suspended the Parliament to avoid a no-confidence vote which would throw him out.

Queen Elizabeth II, who is still the official head of state, is expected to intervene shortly.

Folks, this is how easily freedom and liberty can be lost these days. At the will of a single man, Constitutional Republics can become Dictatorships.

Here in the United States, the citizenry enjoy the right to keep and bear arms which allows us to overthrow any similar efforts in our land. Canada, however, is not so fortunate.

More details on this suspension of Parliament as they become available. Check back often.

Bush Issues "War Risk" memo for the Black Sea

The White House -- On November 26, President Bush issued a memorandum to the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Transportation and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget with the following SUBJECT: Provision of Marine War Risk Insurance Coverage.

The president seems to know that some type of war situation is going to exist in the Black Sea. That has ominous implications as evidenced by the map below.

The Black Sea is bordered by Russia and other nations, and would provide a close-in position from which the US Navy could launch air and missile strikes against northern Iran.

Whether Russia would tolerate the US launching attacks upon Iran from inside the Black Sea is a real question. The Russian Navy has an entire fleet in the Black Sea. They are quite capable of confronting any US Naval presence there.

Since Russia announced last week that they would be helping Iran complete its nuclear power stations next year, I think the Russians would have real "issues" with anyone trying to attack and destroy those nuclear plants.

Stay tuned, this could get dicey.

White House War Risk Memo Here

December 3, 2008


North Bergen, NJ -- To the chagrin of the government, I have obtained new "AMERO" paper currency notes! You know, the "AMERO" . . . . the new currency that is going to replace the US Dollar, The Canadian Dollar and the Mexican Peso? Yea, the new currency that all three governments claim doesn't exist. . . . I have it. Here's what a 50 Amero note looks like:

In September, 2007 - over a full year ago - I first broke the story about AMERO coins being minted secretly at the Denver Mint. After that story ran, the Denver Mint announced on its web site that they were closing public tours of the Mint for 10 - 14 days in order to make renovations to the tourist area of the mint.

My sources inside the Mint, however, reported Treasury officials were outraged that someone had leaked info about the AMERO to me and they closed the Denver Mint to the public so as to secretly move the AMEROS out of the Mint to prevent further leaks.

In October, 2008, I received word that the U.S. government shipped 800 Billion AMEROS to the China development bank. I did a story on that (here) and obtained an actual AMERO coin from that shipment!

I placed a video of the coin on YouTube, showing the coin and explaining that there is a deliberate effort underway at the highest levels of our government to intentionally exhaust the dollar as a currency. Over 600,000 people worldwide watched that video.

Two days ago, YouTube/Google notified me that my video had been deleted and my account permanently closed at the request of the United States Treasury Department. The Treasury department told YouTube/Google that my video was "destabilizing the U.S. Dollar and was thus a threat to national security."

Here we are, just two days later and my sources have once again come through; this time with proof the government is secretly printing new AMERO paper currency.

Not only do I have the 50 AMERO note, give look at the 20 and 100 AMERO notes below!

Not a single American citizen has been officially asked if they want a new currency. Not a single member of Congress has voted on authorizing a new currency. Yet a new currency is already being printed and quietly distributed around the world. This is being done without the consent of the American people, without a vote by Congress and has been intentionally covered up by every official who has been questioned about it.

The REASON they are creating a new currency has to do with how they plan to get rid of our national debt. On October 16, 2008, the "Global-Europe Anticipation Bulletin" told its subscribers that the present U.S. Dollar will be demonetized (it won't be "money" anymore) and a new currency imposed. "Old dollars" will be devalued by ninety percent (90%).

Think about that for a moment. A 90% devaluation. That means checking accounts, savings accounts, IRA's 401-K's, Pension plans, Certificates of Deposit. . . . are all worth ninety percent LESS than previously.

This AMERO currency will allow the government to literally grab 90% of all our life savings and owe 90% less than they presently do in one fell swoop! They get out of debt and the rest of us are left totally destitute. Broke. Busted. Poor. Helpless.

I believe the people perpetrating this secret currency change are in for personal visits of a violent nature. I think there are folks out here in real America who will not take kindly to having been deliberately lied-to.

I believe my fellow Americans might -- just might -- decide it is time to . . . . . "discipline". . . . . the public officials who have undertaken this outrage without our consent.

It's a tough thing to have to physically discipline a mis-behaving adult, but I say now, I'm up for doing just that.

There are officials in this country who deserve to get the shit kicked out of them and I really look forward to having the chance to do it. If they think their puny little Federal Reserve Police force can do anything about it, they're sadly mistaken.

PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT THIS IMMEDIATELY. If they are already printing paper currency, the destruction of the US dollar cannot be far away. We are ALL in grave danger of losing our life savings to this currency scam.

More details as they become available.

Hawaii Hospital: Obama not born here!

Honolulu, HI -- Questions about where Barack Obama was born and if he is eligible to become President are reaching fever pitch after every hospital in Honolulu, HI has denied he was born in any of them!

In order to be President of the United States, the Constitution requires a candidate to be "a natural born" citizen. Allegations arose over a year ago that Barack Obama was born in Kenya and is thus ineligible to be President.

While the so-called "main stream" media has totally ignored the issue, the internet media is blazing with information about it.

According to investigative efforts between November 20 and December 2, the following Hospitals have denied Barack Obama was born at their facility and have further denied his mother was ever a patient:

We were pretty detailed in our calls. You can look at every hospital here and call any of them. You can file freedom of information act requests or speak to the media relations people at every hospital. Do everything and anything you wish. Barack Obama was never born in a hospital in Hawaii as claimed.

If Barack Obama cannot prove he is a "natural born citizen" prior to Inauguration day, he cannot be allowed to be sworn in. Period.

I earnestly hope our legal system, through the courts, handle this matter so that We The People don't have to step in and settle this the hard way.

December 2, 2008


The march toward complete financial collapse of the USA is accelerating out of control. According to the US Treasury, "hundreds of banks" have asked for emergency help from the government.

To help you understand the frightening implications of this, consider the following:

Since the "financial crisis" began in September, The Treasury Department has injected $150 billion in capital by buying preferred shares in 52 institutions. 52 banks, $150 billion.

Todays news that "hundreds of banks" are now in danger of failing caught my attention, so I contacted my sources inside the Treasury and I almost fell over when they told me: "Five hundred twenty additional banks are failing; ten times the number of banks that have already been bailed out."

Do the math: If 52 banks needed $150 billion, 520 banks could translate into one point five TRILLION.

That isn't the worst of it. The chart below (click image to enlarge) shows that our nation has already committed EIGHT POINT FIVE TRILLION to the financial mess and of that, they've already disbursed THREE POINT TWO TRILLION.
Ask yourself this simple question: Where are they getting this money? The simple answer: They're printing it.

Let's not forget that the money listed above is ON TOP OF the ten trillion dollars the government already owes from past deficit spending!

Do the math again:
$1.5 Trillion needed for another 520 failing banks
$8.5 Trillion committed to more financial bailouts
$10 Trillion in national debt from years of deficit spending.
$20 TRILLION dollars in total (so far)

Let me put this in better perspective for you. $20 Trillion dollars divided up among each of our 300 million citizens amounts to sixty-six-thousand, six-hundred sixty-six dollars ($66,666.) for every man, woman and child! Wow. That's like a satanic number!

Need further perspective? If you took a loan for the $66,666 at one percent (1%) interest per year for ten (10) years, you would need to pay $584.06 per month for you, your wife/husband and each one of your children! For my family (Me, Wife, one son) that would be 1752.08 per month for ten years!!

You're a smart person. I know you're smart because you read this blog! As a smart person ask yourself: How long is it going to be before the rest of the world says to themselves "The USA is totally bankrupt, they can't even hope to repay all the money they've borrowed, the US dollar isn't worth the paper its printed on because they printed so much of it, we're not going to accept it as money anymore."

I'll tell you how long it will be: The end of February or early March 2009. Best case? Late June, 2009. That's it.

At this point I think it is worth reminding all of you that in December 2007 and January, 2008, I warned everyone via my radio show and web site that "September is going to see major financial upheaval." I told everyone when and why. It happened exactly as I warned. So I hope you heed my warning about total financial collapse early next year.

That's when the shit is really gonna hit the fan and this nation will fall into complete, total, economic collapse. A collapse brought about by our own federal government spending us into oblivion.

Why do you think they re-deployed an active duty Army Combat Brigade with 4700 troops and support personnel from Iraq back here to the USA? Why do you think the Pentagon announced yesterday they are going to increase the number of combat troops inside the US from its present 4700 up to 20,000? They KNOW the shit's gonna hit the fan.

When the economy fails -- and it will -- they are terrified about what We The People might do.
They are afraid we might (rightfully) blame the government for wrecking our nation and that we might take retribution upon them by force.

It's good they're afraid. They ought to be.

I have compiled a compete list of the home addresses of every member of the House of Representatives, every member of the U.S. Senate, all nine Justices on the Supreme Court and a slew of other federal Judges in the various Circuit Courts of Appeal and District Courts.

I have the home addresses of all the members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and every key person at every regional federal reserve bank.

When the shit hits the fan, I am going to publish those addresses so the folks out here in the real world who have suddenly found they've lost everything, can pay a visit to those responsible for it!

Oh, and in case you folks in law enforcement think you can grab me up and throw me into some dungeon to prevent the release of that info. . . . . . I've already distributed CD's with the info to quite a number of people whom I trust. They, in turn are making copies and sending those to people they trust.

The CD's were sent with instructions to IMMEDIATELY disseminate that info as soon as they hear I have been grabbed.

So there is no way at all the government can prevent "being held accountable."

I am also presently researching the home addresses of all the Bankers and other financial hot shots involved in stocks, bonds, money markets, mutual funds and the like. Their home addresses are going out too!

When the whole system collapses, it won't just be government types that get paid a visit; it will be the financial hot shots too.

There's going to be retribution for the destruction of our financial system and our country. Nothing can prevent that retribution -- except if they find some way to stop the financial catastrophe they have caused. I wish them luck.

Gov't Tells Youtube to shut me off over AMERO

I found out this morning that my account at YouTube has been permanently shut off at the request of the United States government!

According to Keith in YouTube/Google client services, officials from the United States Treasury Department visited YouTube/Google yesterday evening and allegedly told YouTube/Google that my video exposing plans to exhaust the U.S. Dollar and replace it with the AMERO (seen by over 600,000 people) "was destabilizing the U.S. Dollar."

They asked YouTube/Google to pull the video and permanently prevent me from uploading other videos to their system because "my material is subverting the federal government and is thus a threat to national security."

YouTube/Google pulled the video and shut off my account.

Even though the video did not violate YouTube/Google terms of service, did not violate their acceptable use policy and did not break any law, my account is shut off.

I just thought all of you should know because if they can do this with my YouTube account, they may try to do it with this free blogspot account.

If this blog suddenly disappears, I will resurrect my old web site domain and be back within a few days.

Illicit drugs, poisoned by US Gov't; hit the streets

On November 30, I published a story (HERE) saying the US Government had equipped drug interdiction teams with a chemical compound named Levamisole, to intentionally poison cocaine and heroin heading into the USA.

Here we are, just two days later and the media is beginning to report that people are getting sick and dying from illicit drugs tainted with Levamisole!

Details Here

U.S. Supreme Court to "conference" on Obama citizenship question

Washington, DC -- According to the U.S. Constitution, a person must be a "natural born citizen" in order to be eligible to become President of the United States. In fact, President is the ONLY office in the entire USA that is not open to immigrants who become citizens of the US. A President MUST be a natural born citizen.

As you may have heard over the past year, there are serious questions as to where Barack Obama was born.

Obama claims he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii but it appears he was born in Kenya.

According to various sources, Obama's mother was denied permission to fly back to Hawaii from Kenya because she was at such a late stage of pregnancy. Airlines do not allow pregnant women to fly if there's a chance they will give birth during the flight.

According to Obama family members who live in Kenya, they witnessed Barack being born in a hospital in Kenya, after which his mother and he were flown to Hawaii.

According to U.S. law, the child of AMERICAN PARENTS (two) is automatically a US Citizen if born abroad. While Barack Obama's mother was American, his father was not; the father was Kenyan. As such, Barack did not qualify for, and did not get, automatic US citizenship.

Upon the family's return to Hawaii, they could have filed a declaration of US Citizenship for Barack, but they did not.

Later in his life, Obama's family moved to Indonesia where they registered Barack to attend a Muslim school. On the application for that school, Obama's family listed Barack's citizenship as "Indonesian."

Needless to say, these issues have raised legitimate questions as to whether or not Barack Obama is legally qualified to become President of the United States.

The issue of Obama's citizenship was raised long before the November election. Citizens in several states filed lawsuits demanding proof of Barack Obama's citizenship but arrogant, condescending Judges in several different states threw out those lawsuits. In at least one case, a State Judge ruled that citizens "do not have legal standing" to enforce the Constitution.

A couple of the people whose lawsuits were dismissed by state judges, appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has scheduled a conference of the nine justices to consider whether or not the court will review those lawsuits. The conference is scheduled for this Friday, December 5.

If a majority of Supreme Court Justices vote to hear the case, they will schedule a hearing and decide the issue. If a majority votes against hearing the case, the lower court rulings, stand.

Here's where things get dicey.

The questions surrounding the citizenship and "natural born" status of Barack Obama are legitimate on their face.

If the Supreme Court refuses to review the lower court decisions, we will be a nation without proof that our President is constitutionally qualified to hold that office! This would be intolerable.

By allowing the lower court rulings to stand, the government will also have officially ruled that citizens do not have the right to enforce their own Constitution! That would be a usurpation of the inherent political power of We The People. This too would be intolerable.

Left with no way to enforce our own Constitution, those of us who are using every peaceful, lawful method available to redress the issue, will have been betrayed by our own public servants. At that moment, we will be left with no choice but to invoke our original right of self defense. (See Federalist 28, Par. 6)

If you aren't sure what I mean when I say "original right of self defense" I mean the exact same thing as one of our Founding Fathers, Alexander Hamilton, meant when he wrote Federalist 28:

"If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government, and which against the usurpations of the national rulers, may be exerted with infinitely better prospect of success than against those of the rulers of an individual state. . . . . . The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair.

Just so we're clear on this, invoking our original right of self defense means using force and violence. Attacking and destroying the government which has usurped us.

The other possibility is that the nine Justices vote to review the lower court decisions.

If they vote to review the lawsuits, Obama will have to prove he is legally qualified to become President and the Supreme Court will issue a ruling on the case.

If Obama can prove he's a natural born citizen, the case will be closed, the issue settled and life will go on. I doubt Obama can prove it because the facts speak for themselves.

If Obama is not a "natural born" citizen, things will get REALLY dicey, really fast.

If the court finds Obama is not "natural born" they can rule a couple ways:

1) They can rule that Obama is ineligible to be President. This is my preference for two reasons:
a) I just cannot fathom allowing a mongrelized jigaboo in the most powerful political office in the world while his chimpette-looking wife and little pikaninnies stink up the White house, AND;
b) It will cause an immediate, violent uprsing by "you know who." Cities will burn as you-know-who throws another of their violent temper tantrums and while that's happening, guys like me will have fantastic opportunity to open fire in a target-rich, chaotic environment.

2) They might rule that Obama was not "natural born" but that the natural born provision in the Constitution doesn't apply anymore. This would be the worst thing they could do because such a ruling would be a defacto AMENDMENT to the Constitution and the Supreme Court is not empowered to make Amendments. If the Justices rule the provision no longer applies, they may as well paint a bulls-eye on their own foreheads. ***

3) They can rule that Obama was not natural born but . . . . the law granting automatic citizenship to a child of American parents (two), really means ONE parent. Since Obama's mom was American, he has citizenship, end of case.

In closing, we are heading for a very dangerous situation. If the courts refuse to review the dismissed lawsuits, they should not be surprised if We The People attack and destroy the government for usurping our power.

If the courts agree to review the dismissed lawsuits and rule that Obama is not eligible, I would not be surprised if the Blacks and Hispanics attack and destroy the government.

If the courts make a defacto Amendment to the Constitution by saying the "natural born" provision is antiquated, unnecessary or any other horseshit, they should not be surprised if we Constitutionalists grab them and kill them.

Of course, the Justices on the Supreme Court are a sly lot. They may find other, perhaps more creative ways to rule, but for me, the possibilities above seem to cover the most probable rulings and most probable reactions.


*** I'm a simple guy. Tell me what the rules are, apply those rules to everyone equally and I am a happy camper. However, if you tell me what the rules are then apply them to only some of us or just throw them away when it suits you, I am not a happy camper. When I'm not happy, bad things happen.

You see, I learned a lot from American blacks during my 46 years on this planet. When they are not happy, they riot, pillage, burn and kill. After they riot, pillage, burn and kill, they get what they want! We saw it after the Rodney King riots in LA, we saw it in the Civil Rights riots throughout the south in the 1960's, we saw it in the race riots in Boston, New York, Newark and Detroit in the 1970's.

The lesson I took away from those things is: VIOLENCE WORKS! So when I talk about using force and violence, it's not irrational or emotional; it's cold logic.

December 1, 2008


The Pentagon is set to announce a seven fold increase in troops deployed inside the USA, raising the number to twenty thousand!

The troops are allegedly being increased to protect Americans from terrorist attacks or catastrophies.

My thinking is the government is terrified that we have begun openly laying plans to move against them and they intend to fight it out with us. They will lose.

The federal government of the United States, in its present form, will not survive much longer. Those who stand with it will share its fate.

More details once the Pentagon makes its announcement later today. . . . . .

UPDATE 12:19 PM -- The announcement is out! Full details here

November 30, 2008

Government deliberately poisoning illicit drugs as they enter the country

In an effort to finally break the heroin and cocaine drug cartels, Law enforcement agents working for the US federal government have begun intentionally poisoning shipments of cocaine and heroin then allow those shipments to proceed into the country!

According to well-placed sources of mine inside the US Coast Guard, the Drug Enforcement Administration and the US Border Patrol, drug interdiction crews have been equipped with a chemical compound named Levamisole. When law enforcement agents stop a ship or plane to inspect it for drugs, they inject the Levamisole into any kilos of cocaine or heroin they find.

The crews of ships and planes that are being inspected have no way of knowing their drug shipments have been tainted, and are simply allowed to go on their way; delivering the tainted drugs into the US and Canada.

When a person uses the tainted cocaine or heroin, the Levamisole causes their immune system to malfunction, making the user immediately susceptible to life-threatening infections. Users who come down with an infection develop life-threatening symptoms within days and often die.

Since there is no way of knowing which drug shipments were interdicted and tainted, there is no way to determine if ANY cocaine or heroin is safe. The government knows this will instill widespread fear among casual drug users.

As the news media begins reporting stories about the tainted drugs it will drive people away from drugs, thus defunding the drug cartels and the crime they commit.

Since no drug couriers will admit to being stopped in-transit for fear of not being paid for their drugs, no one will find out about the tainted drugs until it is too late.

It is thought by government that this will drive a stake through the heart of the illicit drug trade within a very short time.

Symptoms of the failed immune system include skin growths and lung infections followed by fever and death.

If you or anyone you know is a casual user of illicit drugs, I urge you to stop using immediately and to spread this information as fast as possible. Those who are not told will die.

Proof: Obama voters just plain stupid!

In the video below, talk radio shock jock, Howard Stern, proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that most of the people who voted for Barack Obama are just plain stupid.

When people who are this ignorant are allowed to vote, it severely threatens our Republic.

I say there should be a test before citizens are permitted to vote. Those who pass the test get to vote, those who don't pass the test, cannot vote.

While we cannot impose a "poll tax" to prevent the poor from voting, there really ought to be a way to prevent the unbelievably stupid from voting.

If the stupid were not permitted to vote, McCain would have won hands down.

I suggest a new slogan to sum up the Obama victory: Barack Obama - elected by the most ignorant people on earth!

Pennsylvania State Trooper researched my background; Turnabout is fair play;

Tunkhannock, PA -- Back on May 4 of this year, I ran a story about an incident at a Pennsylvania hospital wherein a hospital worker attacked and injured a patient who was trying to leave.

I found out this morning that after my story ran, the Pennsylvania State Police investigated ME!

Thomas Brozdowski, a dispatcher at the Tunkhannock Barracks of the Pennsylvania State Police, made inquiries to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) to look up records on me, then "withdrew" a slew of his requests after gaining access to whatever records he saw! I'm not certain what it means to "withdraw" a request from NCIC, but I speculate it may be a way to remove any record of his inquiry. If I'm right, that would be a neat way to cover one's tracks after they invaded the privacy of a citizen.

Even more stunning, the police also ran . . . . . . MY 65 YEAR OLD MOTHER!!!

As all of you know, I do not tolerate abuses by government. I routinely go head-to-head with those who think they're above-it-all and often, me going head-to-head with them doesn't turn out well . . . . . for them. Today is one such example.

Since Thomas Brozdowski looked into me, I have decided to look into him.

According to legally obtained public records, Pennsylvania State Police employee Thomas Brodzowski formerly resided at:

RR 1 BOX 442
and had telephone number (570) 254-9543

Public records also indicate that Brodzowski moved to a new address and got a new phone number:

I have evidence he presently resides at:
229 2ND ST
and presently has telephone number (570) 282-2008

Brodzowski is a volunteer Firefighter/EMT, as well the Chief of his fire company's Search and Rescue K9 Unit. He owns a male German Shepherd named Gunner.

I'm also going to be looking into Brodzowski's family, the same way he looked into mine. I'm not certain if Francis T Brozdowski, AND; D L Brozdowski will appreciate that, but maybe Thomas can explain to them why this is happening.

Hey Tom, how do you like it when someone looks into you and your family the same way you did to them? Not a nice feeling is it?

Let this be a lesson to you: Don't misuse the police computer to investigate people who are not suspected of a crime.

You may have thought being a Pennsylvania State Police employee made you invincible. Think again.

*********** UPDATE 10:25 AM ***********************

Evidence Destroyed!!!

After writing the story above, I began further inquiry into the original story about the hospital worker who assaulted the patient and found out something extraordinary: There was hospital security videotape of the entire incident which proved the hospital employee attacked the patient without provocation, BUT. . . . . . .

According to written police reports "The videotape was transported to the local prosecutor's office, placed in a VCR and, while being viewed, the VCR "malfunctioned" destroying part of the tape."

Which part got destroyed? The part showing the hospital employee attacking the patient!!!!!!!

Pennsylvania police and prosecutors, you have just fucked yourselves royally. You have no idea what you've just called-down upon yourselves.

You see, the folks involved in this are fair people. If you play by the rules, then they play by the rules. You have now broken the rules by destroying evidence. It seems to me that gives them license to break the rules.

I have a strong suspicion this situation is going to get very dicey.


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